OFFICIAL NAME: Federal Republic of Germany (FRG)
SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT: Federal Multiparty Republic
AREA: 357,020 Sq Km (137,846 Sq Mi)
 LOCATION & GEOGRAPHY: Germany is located in North Central
Europe, on the Great North European Plain. It is bound by
Poland and the Czech Republic to the east, the Baltic Sea
to the northeast, Denmark to the north, the North Sea to
the northwest, the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and
France to the west, Switzerland to the south and Austria
to the south and southeast. The country can be divided into
three topographical regions. (1.) The Northern German Plain
which includes the northern low lying plains and the moraine
covered hills and lakes of the Baltic Sea country. (2.)
The Central German Uplands which includes the Rhenish Slate
Mountains (Rheinisches Schiefergebirge), the rolling uplands
and low mountains of Hessen. The Horst Massifs of the Schwarzwald
(Black Forest), the Harz Mountains, the Odenwald, the Spessart,
the Lausitzer Bergland and the Elbsandsteingebirge, which
is a sandy region on both sides of the Elbe River. This
region also includes the Erzgebirge, which is a high tablelands.
(3.) The southern uplands which include the ranges of the
Central Alps and other uplands such as the Bayerische Alpen.
The former East Germany was made up largely of the Northern
German Plain but also included a small part of the Central
German Upland while the former West Germany included parts
of all three regions. The principal rivers are the Danube,
Ems, Weser, Moselle and the Elbe with its tributaries, as
well as the most important commercial waterway in Europe,
the Rhine River. Major Cities (pop. est.); Berlin 3,471,000,
Hamburg 1,706,000, Munich 1,216,300, Cologne 961,600, Frankfurt
663,600, Essen 624,600, Dortmund 602,400, Stuttgart 598,000,
Dusseldorf 577,600, Bremen 552,700 (1992). Land Use; forested
30%, pastures 15%, agricultural-cultivated 34%, other 21%
CLIMATE: Germany has a continental climate in the western regions
of the country with strong Atlantic influences in the northwest causing
the winters to be mild but stormy. Further inland the winter temperatures
are lower and the summers are warm with slightly higher temperatures in
the southwest. A temperate climate is experienced in the eastern regions
with an Atlantic influence giving rise to mild winters and cool summers.
Due to a stronger Alpine influence rather than the Atlantic in the interior,
conditions are generally wetter and colder at higher altitudes with snow
lying in the mountains for some time. Average annual precipitation in Berlin
is 592 mm (23 inches) and average annual temperature ranges are from 0.5
degrees Celsius (31 degrees Fahrenheit) in January to 19 degrees Celsius
(66 degrees Fahrenheit) in July.
PEOPLE: The population is almost entirely Germanic with Germans
accounting for 94.4% of the population. Other ethnic minorities include
the Danes, Turks, Italians, Greeks, Spanish, Slovaks and Serbs.
DEMOGRAPHIC/VITAL STATISTICS: Density; 222 persons per sq km
(574 persons per sq mi) (1991). Urban-Rural; 85.3% urban, 14.7% rural (1990).
Sex Distribution; 48.1% male, 51.9% female (1989). Life Expectancy at Birth;
70.9 years male, 77.2 years female (1988). Age Breakdown; 15% under 15,
21% 15 to 29, 22% 30 to 44, 20% 45 to 59, 15% 60 to 74, 7% 75 and over
(1992). Birth Rate; 10.4 per 1,000 (1991). Death Rate; 11.4 per 1,000 (1991).
Increase Rate; -1.0 per 1,000 (1991). Infant Mortality Rate; 6.8 per 1,000
live births (1992).
RELIGIONS: Mostly Christians with around 50% of the population
Protestant, predominantly Lutheran while 45% are Roman Catholic. Other
religious minorities include Muslims.
LANGUAGES: The official language is German with the standard
German known as High German (Hochdeutsch) which is used in the national
media and for educational purposes. Most Germans have their own dialect
depending on the region.
EDUCATION: Aged 25 or over and having attained (former West Germany):
less than primary education 0.9%, primary and lower secondary 67.2%, primary
and upper secondary 17.7%, higher 14.2% (1989). Literacy; N/A.
MODERN HISTORY - WWII TO 1993: On May 23, 1949 the Federal Republic
of Germany (FRG or West Germany) was formed out of the occupied US, British
and French allied zones. On Oct. 7, 1949 the Soviet controlled eastern
half became the Germany Democratic Republic (GDR or East Germany).
West Germany; The FRG with its capital at Bonn developed into a strong
parliamentary democracy under its first post war Chancellor, Konrad Adenauer
and in May 1955 the FRG gained full independence. In the same year it joined
the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) while during the 1950's and
1960's there was rapid and sustained economic growth which was enhanced
by the FRG's membership to the European Community (EC) in 1958. In 1954
Heinrich Luebke of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) became the country's
President and was reelected in 1964. In Jan. 1963 Germany and France signed
a Friendship Treaty. In Oct. 1963 Chancellor Adenauer retired and was succeeded
by Ludwig Erhard, designer of the "economic miracle". During
the late 1960's and 1970's there were widespread demonstrations in protest
to socioeconomic events and policies which resulted in the passing of new
security laws. In 1972 during the Munich Olympic Games eight Arab "Black
September" terrorists seized the Israeli athletes' residence killing
two and taking nine hostages which resulted in the death of the hostages
as well as four of the kidnappers after security forces attempted to rescue
the hostages. In Sept. 1973 the FRG joined the United Nations (UN) and
in Dec. 1979 Helmut Schmidt's government approved the controversial installation
of US intermediate range nuclear missiles. In Sept. 1982 Helmut Kohl formed
a coalition government which was reelected in Mar. 1983. In Dec. 1987 the
FRG and USSR signed a treaty for the dismantling of the US intermediate
range nuclear missiles.
East Germany; In the German Democratic Republic (GDR) the control of the
East German Communist Party was absolute under the Stalinist, Walter Ulbricht
until 1971. In May 1955 the GDR joined the Warsaw Pact and under a Warsaw
Pact initiative constructed the Berlin Wall in Aug. 1961. In 1968 the GDR
forces assisted in the Soviet led invasion of Czechoslovakia and in the
same year the GDR was constitutionally declared a socialist state. In May
1971 Ulbricht resigned and was succeeded by Eric Honecker. In Dec. 1972
both the FRG and GDR signed a treaty which guaranteed the inviolability
of the Berlin Wall and in Sept. 1973 the GDR joined the UN. In Sept. 1987
Honecker became the first GDR head of state to visit the FRG.
Unified Germany; With the collapse of communism across Eastern Europe in 1989,
the impact was quickly felt in East Germany. Popular demonstrations marked
the 40th anniversary of East Germany and Erich Honecker was ousted. The Berlin
Wall, a symbol since Aug. 13, 1961 of the division of Germany, was torn down
in late 1989 and at midnight on Oct. 3, 1990 the two nations were formally
reunified to create one German nation with Dr Richard von Weizsacker as President
and Dr Helmut Kohl as Chancellor. In Dec. 1990 the leading center-right coalition
of the Christian Democrats (CDU), Christian Social Union (CSU) and the Free
Democrats (FDP) won general elections under Chancellor Kohl who formed new
cabinet in mid-January. On Jan. 20, 1991 the CDU lost control of the Hesse
in State elections to the Social Democrats (SPD) which formed a coalition
with the Greens. In early 1991 Chancellor Kohl's new cabinet announced a 7.5%
surcharge on income taxes and increases the prices of tobacco and oil products
to raise a further DM 46 billion to develop the east and fund increasing unemployment
benefits there. On Mar. 14, 1991 the Soviet authorities smuggled Honecker
to the Soviet Union, although in 1992 after the collapse of the Soviet Union,
he surrendered and returned to Germany to stand trial on charges of manslaughter
for the order to shoot escapees. On June 20, 1991 a Bundestag vote decided
that the seat of government be shifted as soon as possible from Bonn to Berlin
that further assisted in lifting moral in the east. In 1991 there were also
increases in the activity of small groups of neo-Nazi skin heads, especially
in the east, who systematically harassed foreigners which they blamed for
increasing unemployment in both parts of the country. In Sept. 1991 an African
was burnt to death in a hostel fire and later that month in Saxony in the
east racial tensions erupted as large groups of neo-Nazi youths jeered by
onlookers repeatedly attacked the hostels of displaced European refugees seeking
asylum. On Oct. 3, 1991 the first anniversary of unification, right-wing youth
groups in many parts of the country attacked refugee hostels violently. In
response the CDU announced plans to amend the constitution to restrict the
categories in which refugees are able to claim asylum. However, the CDU's
coalition partner the FDP refused to support the bill, causing further signs
of problems within the ruling coalition government. Towards the end of the
year the FDP's policies on issues such as abortion were closer to the SDPs
while the CDU's woes improved due to their harder line on refugees and the
improvement in the east's economy and unemployment. In Dec. 1991 Germany agreed
during the EU summit in Maastricht, the Netherlands, to form a more unified
political and economic-monetary union. Also in 1991 Germany contributed some
US$5.5 billion towards the United States costs in the Gulf War as it was unable
to send troops outside of the NATO area due to the country's constitution,
while other military aid was donated to other alliance partners. On Jan. 1,
1992 a new law enabled citizens to examine their Stazi (former East German
secret police) files, with some 10,000 people applying in the first week.
In Jan. and Feb. 1992 economic tensions rose as the western German pay round
got underway, with steelworkers demanding a 10.5% wage increase although settling
for a 6.4% increase and narrowly averting a national steelworkers strike.
In Mar. 1992 the CDU defense minister Gerhard Stoltenberg was forced to resign
over revelations that tanks had been illegally shipped to Turkey and that
German armaments had been used by Turkish forces against the Kurds. In April
1992 the government had a showdown with the public-sector trade unions who
were prepared to accept an independent arbitrator's compromise of a 5.4% wage
increase, although Kohl wanted to keep the deal below the psychological 5%
barrier claiming that Germans were living beyond their means. On Apr. 27,
1992 the unions initiated their first industrial action in 18 years hitting
the transport, postal and refuse sectors. Also on the same day Germany's most
consistently popular politician, foreign minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher,
announced his planned retirement for May 17, 1992 exactly 18 years after gaining
the post. Genscher was succeeded by the justice minister Klaus Kinkel, known
for his plain discourse. The public-sector strikes were further increased
eventually forcing the government to settle the wage increase demand for a
deal just above the 5.4% after eleven days. On May 18, 1992 another strike
by IG Metall, the country's largest union was averted for a 5.4% wage increase
deal. On June 26, 1992 the Bundestag voted to extend the former East Germany's
liberal abortion rules, allowing for on demand abortion within the first 3
months of pregnancy, to the whole of Germany. However, following an appeal
by conservative MPs the Constitutional Court suspended the new legislation
pending a ruling on its constitutional standing. In Aug. 1992 racial tensions
erupted in the eastern port city of Rostock where hundreds of extreme right
youths attacked a Romanian and Vietnamese hostel for five days cheered by
thousands of local onlookers. After fierce battles between the youths and
police the hostel was burnt after police had bused away the residents. As
a result of a marked increase in violence against foreigners the coalition
government ended its internal argument over amendments to the constitution
on restricting asylum regulations and in Oct. 1992 jointly presented its proposals
to the Bundestag. Along with the banning of several neo-Nazi groups it was
hoped that these amendments based on the Geneva Convention for Refugees would
ease the situation. In Sept. 1992 the European currency system was marked
by unprecedented turbulence which resulted in intense criticism of Germany
particularly by Britain and Italy which felt that the Bundesbank's high-interest-rate
policy had contributed to their own domestic economic problems and forced
them to pull out of the exchange-rate mechanism. On Oct. 8, 1992 at the Maastricht
ratification debate in Bonn, Germany was forced to make heavy concessions
to the European Union skeptics to ensure the passage of the treaty. On Oct.
19, 1992 police found the decomposed body of the German Greens founder Petra
Kelly who had been shot three times by her companion and fellow campaigner,
Gert Bastian, before killing himself. In Nov. 1992 two neo-Nazi youths were
charged with murder and arson after they confessed to the firebombing of a
house where three Turkish women lost their lives. On Jan. 3, 1993 Economic
Minister Jurgen Mollemann resigned of a scandal involving the promotion of
a relation's product to several supermarket chains and resulted in Klaus Kinkel
becoming leader of the FDP. On Jan. 12, 1993 a Berlin court dropped manslaughter
charges against Erich Honecker in connection with his shoot-to-kill policy
in the former East Germany. On Feb. 18, 1993 east German engineering-sector
employers tore up a 1991 wage increase contract which was to see east German
workers salaries increased to that of their west German counterparts during
1994, however with productivity running at one-third the west German workers
east German employers complained that they would go out of business if they
were to offer the wage increases. In March 1993 the government announced the
Solidarity Pact over the rising cost of unification and lack of confidence.
The pact delayed the much needed austerity measures and allowed for the reintroduction
of a special income tax surcharge to take effect in 1995, however with announcement
by the finance minister that the federal deficit in 1993 would be closer to
DM 70 billion versus the DM 43 billion originally forecast combined with increasing
unemployment payments the government faced a spending crisis. As a result
Germany's independent central bank, the Bundesbank, called for strict control
of public finances and announced that as a result of the governments failure
to cut spending that there would be no lowering of Germany's high interest
rates. On May 3, 1993 the leader of the SDP, Bjorn Engholm resign from his
office after admitting he had lied to a parliamentary investigating committee
while Gunther Krause of the CDU also resigned on May 6, 1993 following a series
of scandal allegations involving the misuse of public funds. On May 12, 1993
Max Streibl the prime minister of Bavaria announced his resignation after
it was alleged he had accepted free holidays and flights from a Bavarian aircraft
manufacturer. In early May 1993 the IG Metall workers union began trikes over
the 9% engineering-sector wage increase offer and by May 14, 1993 a deal had
been struck that allayed the equalization of east-west wages until 1996 although
provided an immediate increase settlement of just less than the original 26%.
On May 26, 1993 Bundestag deputies were jeered by thousands of protesters
as the government parties finally ended years of arguments and agreed to amendments
to the constitution that tightened Germany's open-door policy on foreign asylum
seekers. On May 29, 1993 five Turks, two women and three children, died after
their house in Solingen was set on fire and by the end of the year four youths
were arrested in connection with the attack. In mid-June 1993 the SDP members
elected Rudolf Scharping to replace Engholm as party leader. In August 1993
currency speculation developed over the battle between the government and
the Bundesbank that lead to the widening of the European exchange rate mechanism
(ERM) from 2.5% to 15%. In mid-August 1993 the government announced a DM 22
billion savings package that formed its second attempt to control public spending.
In Sept. 1993 Kohl presented his "Report on Safeguarding Germany's Economic
Future" that called for a new flexibility and dynamism in the society.
In mid-Sept. 1993 Chancellor Kohl announced his support of Steffen Heitmann,
an east German and CDU justice minister, for presidential elections to be
held in Feb. 1994. On Sept. 16, 1993 three former East German minister were
sentenced to jail for their part in the shootings at the Berlin Wall. In October
1993 the Bundesbank's president Helmut Schlesinger was succeeded by Hans Tietmeyer
and Germany became the last of the 12 EU members to complete the ratification
of the Maastricht Treaty after the constitutional court had rejected several
objections. In late Oct. 1993 the former head of the Stasi secret police,
Erich Mielke, was sentenced to six years jail for the killing of two policemen
in 1931. In Nov. 1993 unemployment in western Germany had reached a postwar
high of 2,490,000 or 7.8%. Also during 1993 the UN appealed for Germany to
find a way around its constitutional restrictions and play a full part in
international security missions.
CURRENCY: The official currency is the Euro divided into 100
ECONOMY: Gross National Product; USD $1,908,570,000,000 (1993).
National Debt; DM 651,180,000,000 (1993). Imports; DM 600,966,000,000 (1994).
Exports; DM 673,121,000,000 (1994). Tourism Receipts; USD $10,587,000,000
(1994). Balance of Trade; DM 72,160,000,000 (1994). Economically Active
Population; 40,179,000 or 49.5% of total population (1993). Unemployed;
8.7% (1993).
MAIN TRADING PARTNERS: Its main trading partners are the EU,
Switzerland, Japan and the USA.
MAIN PRIMARY PRODUCTS: Antimony, Arsenic, Barley, Bismuth, Coal,
Cobalt, Fish, Fruit and Vegetables, Grapes and Wine, Iron Ore, Lead, Lignite,
Livestock, Milk and Dairy Products, Oats, Oil and Natural Gas, Potash,
Potatoes, Rye, Salt, Sugar Beets, Timber, Wheat, Zinc.
MAJOR INDUSTRIES: Aircraft, Agriculture, Cement, Chemicals, Ceramics,
Computers, Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Food Processing, Forestry
and Fishing, Glass, Iron and Steel, Machinery, Mining, Motor Vehicles,
Non Ferrous Metals, Optical Equipment, Petroleum Products, Precision Instruments,
Railway Equipment, Textiles, Tools.
MAIN EXPORTS: Chemicals, Food, Instruments, Iron and Steel, Lignite,
Machinery, Motor Vehicles, Potash, Railway Equipment, Textiles, Yarns and
TRANSPORT: Railroads; route length 91,432 km (56,813 mi) (1991),
passenger-km 57,034,000,000 (35,439,000,000 passenger-mi) (1991), cargo
ton-km 82,219,000,000 (56,312,000,000 short ton-mi) (1991). Roads (former
W.Germany); length 496,652 km (308,605 mi) (1989). Vehicles; cars 32,007,000
(1991), trucks and buses 1,619,000 (1991). Merchant Marine; vessels 1,574
(1992), deadweight tonnage 5,636,000 (1992). Air Transport; passenger-km
114,312,000,000 (71,030,000,000 passenger-mi) (1990), cargo ton-km 4,410,000,000
(3,020,000,000 short ton-mi) (1990).
COMMUNICATIONS: Daily Newspapers; total of 355 with a total circulation
of 26,425,000 (1991). Radio; receivers 36,186,000 (1994). Television; receivers
32,314,000 (1994). Telephones; units 36,899,800 (1993).
MILITARY: 339,900 (1995) total active duty personnel with 68.8%
army, 8.4% navy and 22.8% air force while military expenditure accounts
for 1.6% (1993) of the Gross National Product (GNP).
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