Reach a quality audience of students, school teachers, home school educators and prospective travelers by advertising on Atlapedia Online. We receive well over 200,000 unique visitors each month, and our site is growing everyday!
ImageAds trigger impulsive buying...
Pictures and images used in advertisements are powerful enough to trigger the mind to impulsive buying. ImageAds are a visual representation of the products and services that businesses use to sell to their consumers. With the right picture, you can trigger the impulsiveness of visitors on a website.
ImageAds have long been used by businesses as a visual representation of the goods and services they sell. Televisions, magazines, newspapers, and the internet all use picture advertisements in order to trigger our minds to impulsive buying. Pictures make the advertisement attractive and exciting for consumers to desire them.
However, virtually all image advertising on Atlapedia Online is dynamically generated i.e. the advertisements will automatically rotate and be displayed randomly. Whilst some advertisers prefer this methodology to advertise their products and services across a wide target audience and numerous websites, there are also many advertisers who prefer to target an audience and user-base of a specific website target demographic. Such advertisers prefer to have a permanent static advertisement on certain pages that they choose which may better suit their target demographic needs.

To this end, we have now availed two (2) static site-wide adverts. These are available* for a flat monthly fee with a minimum contract period of 3 months. All advertisements need to be either a jpeg/jpg, png or gif file in 160x120 pixel format or 120x160 pixel format, and hosted on your own server or website for inline linking into our pages.